Seattle Public Schools

The Creative Advantage

Contracts and Payment

Contracting and Payment

Every Creative Advantage school receives funds to develop arts partnerships with teaching artists and community arts organizations on  The Creative Advantage Roster

Most Creative Advantage partnerships are in-class residencies in integrated arts or cultural arts learning or customized professional development for staff in arts integration. 

For these partnerships, the school and the partner must have a completed Personal Services Contract (PSC) package completed and approved by the Director of Finance BEFORE services may begin. Allow a minimum of 7 working days for approval.

Personal Services Contract Checklist:

1.   The Personal Service Contract  (Word document) is completed by BOTH the partner and the school (usually the arts team coordinator or an administrative secretary), then signed by BOTH the partner and the principal. The information requested includes:

  • Contractor or Partner information like contactinformation, WA State Business License # (pg 1)
  • The agreed upon scope of work and deliverable (pg 1)
  • The dates of the partnership (pg 2)
  • The agreed upon payment – either an hourly or set rate (pg 2)
  • Space for the partner/contractor to sign (pg 3)
  • Space for the school principal to sign and the budget code (pg 4). 

2.  The Bargaining Unit Checklist Form  (PDF) must be completed, signed by the principal. A contractor cannot be contracting for a job that is traditionally performed by District employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

3.  The Classification Checklist Form  (PDF) must be completed, signed by the principal. This is to determine employee vs. independent contractor classification. A contractor cannot be a district employee. A contractor should generally have a federal employer identification number, which is included on the PSC form, and matches theW-9.

4.  The IRS W-9 Form , Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification, completed in full for a corporation or individual, signed and attached.

5. A copy of the partner/contractor’s Washington State Business License (UBI#). You can search for an existing license or apply for a new license at the  Department of Revenue.

6.  A comprehensive background check must be attached when contracting with individuals who have regularly scheduled unsupervised access to children. Sterling Volunteers is the selected screening service for non-SPS employees (RCW 28A.400.303). For instructions, visit the Background Checks for Community Partners page – “Online background check” section.

Once the PSC package is complete, schools should send original hard copies of your Complete PSC package to Accounting (Mail Stop: 33-343 / Attn: PSContracts).  You can also email forms to

Once the contract is approved by the director of Finance, both the partner and the principal will receive an email notifying them that the contract is approved and services can begin.  The email will include a contract/PO number and a vendor number. Partners, make note of these numbers as you will need to include it on your invoices.

Forms are also available to SPS staff at Business & Finance Forms Section 1. Accounts Payable (staff website login required) 

If you have questions, please email:

Paying an Arts Partner

Once a partner has completed all or a portion of their services, they will send an invoice to the school.

Partners , the invoice should include the following information:

  • A unique invoice number
  • SPS contract PO number (begins with 75-)
  • SPS contractor / Vendor ID number
  • Partner Name
  • Address where payment should be sent

Schools , upon receiving an invoice, please fill out a Certificate of Service Rendered form (staff website login required) (CSR).  This link is only available to SPS staff on the MySPS site. Next, send the completed form & invoice to Accounting – PS Contracts, Mailstop: 33-343. NOTE: Original invoice(s) must be attached.